

How does Jyorei work? 淨靈的原理是甚麽?

Jyorei practitioners view spiritual clouds as the cause of sickness and unhappiness. These clouds are subtle impurities within our spiritual body that dull our awareness and damage our health. Jyorei removes spiritual clouds in the same way that light dispels darkness. Jyorei is transmitted first to the forehead, which primarily promotes spiritual purification, and then to the top of the head, which induces physical purification. There is no need for a Jyorei giver to diagnose the condition of the recipient, because the Light goes straight to the source of the problem.

Is it always good for everyone? 是否適用於是任何人?

Yes. Jyorei, like prayer, is universally beneficial, as God’s assistance is good for everyone. The Light of Jyorei purifies and uplifts, and unlike drugs, there are no negative side effects. Although we have not studied this subject scientifically, it appears to encourage homeostasis. Both overactive and underactive immune systems seem to benefit from Jyorei. It calms down those who are agitated and it rejuvenates those who are tired. Jyorei is good for body, mind, and spirit.


What is the difference between Jyorei and other forms of healing? 淨靈和其他類型的療法的分別是甚麽?

Many people claim that the energies of Jyorei and other forms of healing feel different from each other. Some sessions can last up to an hour or so, whereas Jyorei sessions usually last only five minutes. Other healing modalities may incorporate complex techniques and procedures, whereas Jyorei is essentially simple, with an emphasis placed on love and gratitude. The Jyorei giver does not try to control the energy or the outcome of the healing session but instead just allows the Light to shine through.
